Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Importance of Fiber

There are two types of fiber: Soluble and insoluble.

Soluble fibers offer the real heart disease benefit. This type of fiber has been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels. Soluble fiber food sources include oats, barley, beans, lentils, peas, nuts, seeds apples and other types of fruits and vegetables. Experts believe the soluble fiber called beta glucan helps lower blood cholesterol by binding to some of the cholesterol and is eliminated from the body naturally.

Insoluble fiber, also known as "roughage", is found in whole grains, vegetables, wheat bran, nuts, and beans. Insoluble fiber is not absorbed  by the body. Its health benefits include aiding digestion and promoting regularity by adding "bulk". Bulk keeps other foods moving through the digestive tract.

A normal person should consume 25-30 grams of fiber per day. On average only half that amount is consumed. A person with a healthy colon should have two to three bowel movements per day.

Examples of the amount of fiber in some foods:

1/2 cup Broccoli 2.2 grams
1 cup Spinach 4.0 grams
1 cup Lettuce 1.0 grams
1/2 cup Beans (Lima, kidney, baked) 10.0 grams
Apple (medium, with peel) 3.2 grams
1 cup Strawberries 3.0 grams
1 medium Kiwi 5.0 grams
1 cup Fiber One Cereal 14.0 grams
1/2 cup Whole oats 3.5 grams
3.5 cups Air popped Popcorn 4.5 grams

So think about adding more fiber in your diet! It does wonderful things for you!
By the you know you can store up to 8 pounds of bile in your intestines?! 8 Pounds!!!!!

"Clear your mind of can't." ~Dr. Samuel Johnson

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