Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nutrition tips... Are you eating enough protein?

I think as women, we shy away of eating protein. Too much like a guy thing. Salad, is more feminine... Some people automatically think "Adkins diet".  Some people aren't sure what a protein is! much protein should you have on a daily basis?

Women should shoot for, on average, about 100 grams a day. I know that you are saying ...What?! If you eat 5-6 small meals a day, your protein amount adds up quickly!

 Lean Protein like chicken breast, turkey, fish, sea food, lean beef, lean pork and of course eggs. Now there is always tofu, legumes, nuts, Greek yogurt and edemame for those of you who are vegetarian (or not).
Example of some good protein sources are:
Chicken Breast 5oz 150 calories, 27.5g protein
95% lean Ground Beef 4oz 185 calories, 29.2g protein
Ground turkey breast 4oz 150 calories, 22g protein
4 large egg whites 69 calories, 14.4g protein (I always go for the egg whites...less calories, more food!)
2 whole eggs 154 calories, 12.5g protein
0% Greek yogurt 1 cup 120 calories, 20g protein
Almonds 1oz 164 calories, 6g protein

So if you ate this sample menu...4 egg white omelet for breakfast, 1 cup Greek yogurt and fresh fruit for your snack, chicken wrap for lunch, an apple and 1oz almonds for another snack, a turkey taco salad for dinner and a green strawberry goodness smoothie for another snack before bed... You would have consumed about 116 grams of protein for the day! You were not a bit hungry fact pleasantly satisfied! Wouldn't that feel great?!

Discipline is remembering what you want.

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